
Find the 18th largest element in a given array

Data Scientist







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Find the 18th largest element in a given array
  • Which element in the array occupies the 18th largest position in terms of value?
  • Determine the 18th largest value in this given array.
  • Do you think you could find the element that ranks as the 18th largest?
  • What is the value of the element that is 18th in terms of magnitude in this array?
  • If you were to sort this array in descending order, what value would be in the 18th position?
  • What is the 18th largest item in this array of numbers?
  • Out of all the elements in this array, which one ranks in the 18th largest position?
  • Which item in this array is the 18th largest according to its numerical value?
  • Can you identify the 18th largest element in this array?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at DoorDash, Shopify, Udacity and others: Find the 18th largest element in a given array.