Three friends in Dublin told you it's rainy. Each has a probability of 1/3 of lying. What's the probability of Dublin is rainy?
Given that each of three friends in Dublin has a 1/3 chance of lying, what is the probability that it's actually raining there?
How would you calculate the odds of it raining in Dublin if three friends report rain, but each could lie with a probability of 1/3?
What's the likelihood that it's raining in Dublin if three friends, who each have a 1/3 chance of not telling the truth, say it is?
Can you determine the probability that Dublin is experiencing rain based on the reports of three friends who each have a 1/3 chance to lie?
Assuming you have three friends in Dublin who each have a one in three chance of lying, what's the probability that their claim of rain is true?
If you're told by three friends in Dublin that it's raining, and each has a 1/3 probability of lying, what's the probability the claim of rain is actually true?
If three friends in Dublin, each with a one-third likelihood of lying, tell you it's raining, what's the probability that it is indeed raining?