
Suppose you roll a die and earn whatever face you get. What is the expected return? Now suppose you have a chance to roll a second die. If you roll, you forfeit your earnings from the first round. When should you roll the second time?

Data Scientist







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Suppose you roll a die and earn whatever face you get. What is the expected return? Now suppose you have a chance to roll a second die. If you roll, you forfeit your earnings from the first round. When should you roll the second time?
  • You have the option of rolling a second die, but you must forfeit your previous winnings if you do so. When, if ever, should you roll the next die?
  • When you roll a die, you earn the number on the die. What is the reward's expected value?
  • What is the anticipated reward for rolling a single dice?
  • You have the option to roll another die and relinquish your previous winnings. When should you take advantage of the second chance?
  • If you roll a single die, what is the probable value of the prize?
  • You earn whatever number you roll on a dice. What is the expected reward?
  • Rolling a die will result in a prize determined by the number shown. What is the expected return?
  • You may choose to forfeit your previous earnings and roll another die. When should you roll the second time?
  • If you roll a die, what is the probable reward? When should you contemplate rolling a second die and forfeiting your initial incentive?
  • You roll a die and receive a reward equal to the die's face value. What is the anticipated value of the prize?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at Convoy, DeliveryHero, Walmart and others: Suppose you roll a die and earn whatever face you get. What is the expected return? Now suppose you have a chance to roll a second die. If you roll, you forfeit your earnings from the first round. When should you roll the second time?.