
Generate 1000 data points normally distributed, with mean=x, and variance=y. Perform summary stat on the data points, explain stat metrics. Create density plot.

Data Scientist







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Generate 1000 data points normally distributed, with mean=x, and variance=y. Perform summary stat on the data points, explain stat metrics. Create density plot.
  • Can you simulate 1000 normally distributed data points using mean x and variance y, provide summary statistics, and explain the statistical measures along with generating a density plot?
  • Could you create a dataset of 1000 points following a normal distribution with specified mean and variance, analyze it with summary statistics, and illustrate the distribution with a density plot?
  • What steps would you take to produce 1000 normally distributed data points with mean=x and variance=y, and how would you visualize and summarize this data?
  • How do you go about generating 1000 data points with a normal distribution given mean=x and variance=y, and what summary statistics and visualization would you use to describe the dataset?
  • Can you demonstrate how to create a normally distributed set of 1000 data points with particular mean and variance, conduct summary statistics, and construct a density plot for it?
  • What procedure would you use to generate a set of 1000 normally distributed data points with mean=x and variance=y, and how would you graphically represent and summarize the data?
  • How can you produce a normal distribution of 1000 data points with a specific mean and variance, compile summary statistics, and visually present the data using a density plot?
  • How would you go about synthesizing 1000 normally distributed data points with mean x and variance y, summarizing the dataset, and plotting the density?
  • How would you generate a normal distribution of 1000 data points with given mean and variance, and how would you report and interpret the summary statistics and density plot?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at Virta, Qualcomm, Envoy and others: Generate 1000 data points normally distributed, with mean=x, and variance=y. Perform summary stat on the data points, explain stat metrics. Create density plot..