
How would you code a custom reduce() function in JavaScript to aggregate values in an array using a callback?

Frontend Engineer

Tech Mahindra


Obsidian Entertainment

Square Enix

Deep Silver


Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • How would you code a custom reduce() function in JavaScript to aggregate values in an array using a callback?
  • Can you demonstrate how to write a reduce() function in JavaScript for summing up array elements through a callback?
  • What's your approach to developing a reduce() function in JavaScript that consolidates array elements using a callback?
  • In JavaScript, how would you create a reduce() function that processes an array and accumulates a result via a callback?
  • Could you show me how to construct a reduce() function in JavaScript that applies a callback to cumulate array values?
  • How do you envision writing a custom reduce() function in JavaScript for array value accumulation using a callback?
  • In your experience, how do you implement a reduce() function in JavaScript that uses a callback to compute a single value from an array?
  • Can you outline the steps to build a reduce() function in JavaScript, focusing on aggregating array values through a callback?
  • What steps would you take to formulate a reduce() function in JavaScript that leverages a callback for array value reduction?
  • Implement the reduce() function for arrays in JavaScript, which applies a callback function to accumulate a single value.

Interview question asked to Frontend Engineers interviewing at SurveyMonkey, Rare, NEXON and others: How would you code a custom reduce() function in JavaScript to aggregate values in an array using a callback?.