
Can you tell us about your current role and the aspects you find most fulfilling and least satisfactory?

Engineering Manager







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Can you tell us about your current role and the aspects you find most fulfilling and least satisfactory?
  • What do you like most about your current role and what would you change if given the opportunity?
  • In your current role, what do you feel is working well and where do you think improvements can be made?
  • What are the most enjoyable parts of your current position and what would you change to make it better?
  • What do you consider to be the strengths of your current role and what could be improved upon?
  • Can you share your perspective on the aspects of your current role that you find most appealing and least appealing?
  • How do you feel about the current role you occupy and what, if anything, would you change about it?
  • What do you feel are the highlights of your current role and what areas would you like to see changed?
  • In your opinion, what are the best and worst aspects of your current role and why?
  • What have been your experiences with your current role thus far and what would you like to see improved?
  • Can you give us a summary of what you like and dislike about your current role and what changes you would make if possible?
  • Can you recall a situation where you adapted a procedure due to input from your team members? How did you implement the alteration?

Interview question asked to Engineering Managers interviewing at Xilinx, Checkr, Clubhouse and others: Can you tell us about your current role and the aspects you find most fulfilling and least satisfactory?.