What would you do if a coworker constantly arrived late to a weekly meeting?

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a month ago
I would ask the employee what is the reason for them being late to a scheduled meeting. I would also ask them to always respond to the invite by agreeing to join or declining the invite in the calendar if they are busy at that time and also to inform in advance. If they have some genuine issue to join at the time of that scheduled meeting, I will try to reschedule the meeting. If it's not possible to reschedule due to other teammates availability, I will connect with the employee one on one and brief them about the meeting. If however they are being late for the meeting intentionally or without any important reason, I will inform our seniors if they are doing it again and again.

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a month ago
First, we have to consider if this person is really need to participate in the meeting and if the answer is yes. Next step we have to ensure that the information about meeting time is correctly transferred to him by asking him for confirmation or cross-checked in meeting invitation.
Then we have to inform him if he doesn’t want to join the meeting, please inform meeting organizer but if he wants to join the meeting, he have to act professionally to manage to join the meeting on time.

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2 months ago
First, i will ask him the reason behind arriving late, if he gives the valid reason then we will try to resolve his problem if it is possible otherwise we find substitute of him to attend the meeting.

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Interview question asked to Full Stack Software Engineers, Product Managers, Data Scientists and other roles interviewing at Citrix, Datadog, Steam and others: What would you do if a coworker constantly arrived late to a weekly meeting?.