
How would you create a useClickOutside() hook in React to detect external clicks?

Frontend Engineer





Kaspersky Lab

Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • How would you create a useClickOutside() hook in React to detect external clicks?
  • Can you develop the useClickOutside() hook in React for detecting clicks outside a particular element?
  • In React, how would you go about coding the useClickOutside() hook to recognize clicks outside a specified element?
  • What's your strategy for implementing a useClickOutside() hook in React to identify external clicks?
  • Please describe your approach to building the useClickOutside() hook in React that detects outside clicks.
  • How do you plan to code the useClickOutside() hook in React, enabling detection of clicks outside a given element?
  • Demonstrate how to develop a useClickOutside() hook in React that senses clicks outside a specific element.
  • In React, how would you construct the useClickOutside() hook to catch clicks outside a designated element?
  • Show how to implement the useClickOutside() hook in React for detecting external clicks.
  • Implement the useClickOutside() custom hook in React that detects clicks outside a specified element.

Interview question asked to Frontend Engineers interviewing at Huawei, Crytek, GREE and others: How would you create a useClickOutside() hook in React to detect external clicks?.