
Could you code a function to calculate the root mean squared error between two arrays?

Data ScientistMachine Learning Engineer


American Express





Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Can you compose a function that takes in two arrays and outputs the RMSE?
  • Can you craft a function to evaluate the root mean squared error of two arrays?
  • Could you code a function to calculate the root mean squared error between two arrays?
  • Could you create a function that receives two arrays and calculates the RMSE?
  • How would you construct a function to find the RMSE for a pair of input arrays?
  • How would you go about writing a function that determines the RMSE for two provided arrays?
  • Please demonstrate how you would develop a function to compute the RMSE for two input arrays.
  • Show how you would implement a function to return the root mean squared error for two arrays.
  • Would you be able to write a function that inputs two arrays and computes the RMSE?
  • Write a function that inputs 2 arrays and returns the root mean squared error for them.

Interview question asked to Machine Learning Engineers and Data Scientists interviewing at Twitch, NetEase, Noom and others: Could you code a function to calculate the root mean squared error between two arrays?.