
Identify all out of a list of provided words which are blanagrams.

Data Scientist







Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Identify all out of a list of provided words which are blanagrams.
  • Can you identify the blanagrams from the words given to you - cinema and iceman?
  • Do you know what words from the given list are blanagrams - debit card and bad credit?
  • Do you know any blanagrams from this list - astronomer and moon starer?
  • Can you identify the blanagrams in the following jumbled up phrases - eleven plus two and twelve plus one?
  • Which words from this list are anagrams of each other - funeral and real fun?
  • Do you know what words are blanagrams from dormitory and dirty room?
  • Can you tell me which words make blanagrams from punishments and nine thumps?
  • Tell me words that can be arranged to make other words - tea and ate?
  • Tell me which words out of the following are blanagrams - listen and silent?

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at DeliveryHero, Electronic Arts, Zomato and others: Identify all out of a list of provided words which are blanagrams..