
How would you manually code the Array.prototype methods like flat, map, reduce, and concat in JavaScript?

Frontend Engineer






Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • How would you manually code the Array.prototype methods like flat, map, reduce, and concat in JavaScript?
  • Can you demonstrate how to implement the JavaScript Array.prototype methods such as flat, map, reduce, and concat on your own?
  • What's your approach to recreating Array.prototype methods like flat, map, reduce, and concat in JavaScript from scratch?
  • How do you plan to implement custom versions of Array.prototype methods like flat, map, reduce, and concat in JavaScript?
  • Could you outline a process to write your own implementations of JavaScript Array.prototype methods such as flat, map, reduce, and concat?
  • What strategy would you use to code the Array.prototype methods like flat, map, reduce, and concat in JavaScript by yourself?
  • How would you go about manually implementing JavaScript Array.prototype methods including flat, map, reduce, and concat?
  • Can you explain your method for crafting your own versions of the Array.prototype methods flat, map, reduce, and concat in JavaScript?
  • What technique would you adopt to develop custom implementations of the Array.prototype methods like flat, map, reduce, and concat in JavaScript?
  • Implement Array.prototype methods (flat, map, reduce, concat) by yourself using JavaScript.

Interview question asked to Frontend Engineers interviewing at Xiaomi, Bitdefender, Huawei and others: How would you manually code the Array.prototype methods like flat, map, reduce, and concat in JavaScript?.