Identify all out of a list of provided words which are anagrams.
Look at these words and tell me which ones are anagrams? Arcade and Arced, Elbow and Below.
Identify the words from the list that are anagrams - Lemon and Melon, Astronomer and Moonstarer.
I want you to tell me which among these are anagrams - Costless and Closest, Heart and Earth.
Pick the anagrams out of these words - Elbow, Believe, Below, Lemon.
See if you can identify the anagrams among these words - Silent, Listen, Race, Care.
Do you know which of the provided words are anagrams? Arcade, Close, Elbow, Below.
Can you identify the anagrams among these words? Enlist, Silent, Race, Care.
Can you find which of these words are anagrams? Listen and Silent, Enlist and Silent.