
Identify all out of a list of provided words which are anagrams.

Data Scientist





Electronic Arts

Credit Karma

Did you come across this question in an interview?

  • Identify all out of a list of provided words which are anagrams.
  • Look at these words and tell me which ones are anagrams? Arcade and Arced, Elbow and Below.
  • Identify the words from the list that are anagrams - Lemon and Melon, Astronomer and Moonstarer.
  • I want you to tell me which among these are anagrams - Costless and Closest, Heart and Earth.
  • Pick the anagrams out of these words - Elbow, Believe, Below, Lemon.
  • See if you can identify the anagrams among these words - Silent, Listen, Race, Care.
  • Do you know which of the provided words are anagrams? Arcade, Close, Elbow, Below.
  • Figure out which words are anagrams - Costless and Closest, Heart and Earth.
  • Can you identify the anagrams among these words? Enlist, Silent, Race, Care.
  • Can you find which of these words are anagrams? Listen and Silent, Enlist and Silent.

Interview question asked to Data Scientists interviewing at GitLab, Cruise, Uber and others: Identify all out of a list of provided words which are anagrams..